

Header and Homepage is a curated platform dedicated to front-end developers, offering a collection of resources, tools, and articles. It aims to provide the most relevant and useful content, selected with care and attention, across 15 categories and featuring over 500 resources. The site also highlights the hottest resources of the month, including tools and libraries popular among the community, and encourages users to contribute by sending in resources they find useful.

Category page Collection page with various categories.

I designed and developed Frores with great care, is a curated platform that serves as a comprehensive resource center for front-end development. With an emphasis on user experience and interface design, it hosts more than 500 tools and libraries meticulously organized into 15 categories.

Category page Category page with various resources.


Front end

  • Next.js 13 with App Router
  • React 18
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS 3
  • Radix Components
  • Validation Form with ZOD
  • Forms with React-Hook-Form


  • Python
  • FastApi
  • DB Postgress
  • Supabase


  • Figma

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